A PROPHECY is a project about the soul connections between human beings.

First we start off with COME WITH ME, which is me singing to my inner child, my childhood best friend, and the prospect of having a lover in my life, who I believe is “the one”. I’ve experienced so many situationships and went through a lot of trial and error, so I fell completely head over heels with the idea that this person is a match made in heaven for me.

This song encapsulates the journey of finding myself. It’s like a coming-of-age story, reflecting on my childhood. Through this song, I’m expressing the importance of unconditional love—something that I once experienced like trauma in my childhood which is now redefined as healing and growing. In the music video, Irene portrays my inner child but also my childhood best friend. I believe there’s multiple soulmates we meet in our life through kismet to teach us lessons.

The second song, A PROPHECY ON LOVE, encapsulates the feeling of falling in love. With the emphasis on “falling”, I try to ease my confusion and desperation of wondering if I am in love with the “right” person in my life. So in reality, it’s not a love song.

The second half of the song is actually about trying to move on from the fact that they cheated on me. I’m trying really hard to convince myself that they’re the right person at the right time and this is a test for me to learn about forgiveness and patience. “I saw you looking at me but it wasn’t me” is a bittersweet line, which alludes to their own guilty conscious. Yet I’m still here trying to accept all of them despite the pain that I’m trying to forget.

CIGARETTES / TWO DOVES is the continuation of me being delusional, convincing myself that this person can change and it won’t happen again. But it keeps happening and this person convinces me to stay even though I want to leave, so I end up staying for longer than I should’ve, which explains / TWO DOVES: this section of the song feels like the honeymoon phase. I continue to pretend to live inside of a fantasy world, but in the process, I lose myself within them.

VIDEO GAME is a very personal song to me even though it doesn’t explicitly talk about the situation I was going through during the time I wrote it. It is based on an experience I had to go through this year that I’m still processing, yet as time goes on, I hope to feel more comfortable sharing what exactly it was. To put it as simply as I can, it centers around my identities with womanhood and experiencing body dysphoria, which are heavy topics but real issues that not just affect me but many people, especially with the scary laws being passed throughout the States.

More about the music video: The Bee that is in space represents my soul trapped inside the spiritual realm. My soul travels through portals, trying to get to my physical self, which is an homage to parallel universes. The people who are supposedly helping me actually represent my subconscious. Self-sabotage and existential questions about life and death are shown through me trying to escape myself. Eventually, my soul reaches my physical body, but I cannot handle the mental state of it, so I end up killing it, but life repeats and I have to start the “game over”.

EPHEMERAL is a song about soulmates and past life connections. I believe there are different soulmates we meet during our lifetime. I don’t believe that soulmates have to be romantic. I think I’ve met a lot of soulmates during my life and I cherish the platonic relationships I have. Again, this song starts to really question if I am with the right person in that moment of time. I’m practically begging the Universe to show me signs; the Universe showed me many signs but I kept brushing them off, which is something that I used to regret. But when I look back in time, I know I couldn’t have changed anything in that moment and that I need to take it as another lesson in order to close a cycle and start a new chapter.

The music video represents the soul tie between two human beings. The Bee in the video is stuck in limbo, asking someone to help bring them back to the present. Rudy, who portrays the soul connection, is able to hear Bee’s calling and breaks through the spiritual realm; the two find each other in the sea of lost souls. Although the song is about the emotional phase of yearning and questioning whether the person you are with is the right one, I wanted it to also be a reminder of the power of the Universe’s unconditional love—if we choose to listen to it.

BUTTERFLY is a response to VIDEO GAME. I’m basically talking to myself—and anyone who can relate—that we need to realize our worth. The reality for me is that I am the only person who can take care of my self. My soul.

I write these songs about friendships, lovers, heartbreak, traumatic situations and moments I’ve experienced. But at the end of the day, I am expressing myself through music because it is the way I stay alive. This song is my own wake up call. I don’t blame anyone for any of the situations I went through and I can’t blame myself either. Though, I learned that I should’ve listened to my instincts.

It’s one of my favorite songs off of the project too because I collided so many of my favorite sounds and worlds into one package. It’s inspired by 2000’s indie pop, K-pop, Imogen Heap, and so much more. It really ignited my inner child to heal.

For the last song, MY DEAR, I still haven’t really processed it. I guess you could call it a “break up” song—I never thought I’d express one of my songs as that, but I guess now is that moment. I’m healing. They’re healing. It’s really all that I can ask for is to heal from the past and move on.

As time heals, I want to be able to listen to this song and remember the good despite the bad and the fact that I’ve grown for the better and I only wish them the best. I’m the type of person to want a romantic relationship to end well, if that makes sense. “Can we still be friends?” But it’s kind of obvious that it’s impossible to do that because I’ve shared so many intimate moments with this person and I respect myself and I respect them to not interfere with our paths of moving on.

I forgive myself and them for all of pain that was caused within such a short timeframe, which felt like a lifetime for me. I don’t know if we were soulmates, maybe we were more like twin flames in our past life.

This project is a self-reflection. When I believe in love so much that I don’t believe in love for myself. But what I need to do is love myself and the nature of humans and beings around me.

I’m learning how to be in a relationship with myself whilst nurturing the friendships around me; I love you all dearly. Here’s a reminder to take care of your soul.

Thank you for listening and supporting ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚



K-drama reviews: A Killer Paradox